Entries by admin

ABARES Review enhances Masters Course …

Dr Penny Wurm from Charles Darwin University joined forces with the ABARES Social Sciences team to review the current the ‘ENV521 – Community Engagement for Biosecurity and Natural Resource Management’ master’s unit in order to update it with the latest academic literature about behaviour change and on approaches for involving communities in biosecurity and natural […]

Indonesian Regional Masterclasses results in publication of Biosecurity and Biodiversity concepts …

The Indonesian Regional Masterclass project (PBSF006) has now published a report outlining the key concepts for a range of projects that are either completed, commenced or proposed that will add to biosecurity, biodiversity and food security in Indonesia. The Foundation Project continues to build biosecurity capacity and networks in Indonesia, strengthen ties between Australia and […]

Call for Investment Proposals – closing 30 August 2019

The Foundation is calling for new investment proposals that support research, development, extension and capacity building activities in line with our Vision and Mission. The 2019 funding round will focus on the following areas, although all proposals will be considered: environmental biosecurity, and in particular myrtle rust; building on the social biosecurity program of the […]

Foundation delighted to support the Crawford Fund Annual Conference (PBSF017)

The Plant Biosecurity Science Foundation is supporting the Crawford Fund’s 2019 Annual Conference titled “Weathering the Perfect Storm: Addressing the Agriculture, Energy, Water, Climate Change Nexus” being held on 12 and 13 August 2019 in Canberra. There is a networking dinner and the Sir John Crawford Memorial Address at the Realm  Hotel ballroom on 12 […]

Tam Duong finishes her PhD, and Papori Barua graduates …

The Foundation is delighted to see that Tam Doung has completed her PhD. Tam’s project explored Vietnamese farmers’ perceptions of biosecurity threats and assessment of risk management strategies towards biosecurity. We congratulate Tam and admire her tenacity for completing an important piece of work, publishing for papers and having a baby! More detail can be […]

Curtailing and managing exotic fungal spore incursion into Australia (PBCRC62042)

Project number: 62042PhD student: Papori BaruaStatus: Completed Project Summary The rise in global movement of people and commodities, particularly from regions or countries posing a high biosecurity risk, increases the likelihood of incursion(s) of new fungal pathogens into new areas via spore contamination of biological and/or inert ‘carrier materials’. Many of these exotic fungal pathogens […]

Crawford Fund Annual Conference (PBSF017) COMPLETE

The Plant Biosecurity Science Foundation supported the Crawford Fund’s 2019 Annual Conference titled “Weathering the Perfect Storm: Addressing the Agriculture, Energy, Water, Climate Change Nexus” held on 12 and 13 August 2019 in Canberra. There was a fantastic networking dinner and the Sir John Crawford Memorial Address at the Realm  Hotel ballroom on 12 August, […]

Myrtle Rust … a plant disease that poses a serious and urgent threat to Australia’s native biodiversity

Myrtle Rust, a plant disease caused by the introduced fungal pathogen Austropuccinia psidii, poses a serious and urgent threat to Australia’s native biodiversity. Myrtle Rust affects plant species in the family Myrtaceae (paperbarks, tea-trees, eucalypts, and lillipillies), which are key and often dominant species in many Australian ecosystems. To date it has proved capable of […]

Director profile: Jane Frances …

Each newsletter we hope to profile a Director. We were delighted to welcome Jane Frances to the Board – she brings a wealth of biosecurity experience to the role: you can read her short bio here (http://www.apbsf.org.au/governance/). I asked Jane a few questions … How important is the science that underpins Australia’s biosecurity system? “Science […]


A new Board …

The Members voted in six new Director to take charge of the Foundation and deliver on its objective. The six new Directors provide a great balance of skills, experiences, and age and gender diversity. They are Mariana Campos Phil Clamp Andre Drenth Gary Fitt Jane Frances Kylie Ireland John Lovett and I remain as continuing […]